We are coming into the second week of Project Square!

We hope you all enjoyed last week as much as we all did.

This Monday 13th May we have fitness for both kids and the elderly along with step aerobics and more for 16+ not to mention auditions and more!

Next up on Tuesday 14th we have acting and writing, skin consultations and soccer!

Finally on Wednesday 15th we have more skincare, creative fun for children and families along with a youth cafe!

Project Square is located on Level 3 just opposite Le Croissant D’Or.

Don’t forget these are FREE drop in events. All events are first come first served (capacity approx. 30 people max) and children must be accompanied by an adult for Kidzone events.

Check out the listing below to see all the events in full, we look forward to seeing you all here. Don’t forget to keep an eye on our social media and news section here for more Project Square events coming soon!