I am Rachel, I’m 30 and from Saggart. I work with the social media team here at The Square and have been here 10 years.

Straight from college, I began working here with the InTallaght Magazine covering all the upcoming events in The Square, new openings, along with all the news in the centre.

Over time things changed and social media became far more popular than print so I moved into that area of work.

I have seen so many changes when it comes to social media, every few months there is a change and it keeps us all on our toes.

Covid definitely highlighted just how important social media channels were to all industries as it was the only way for companies to contact customers during lockdowns. Those last 2 years were very difficult for us, as part of our day-to-day job is meeting the people who work and shop here, so it is great to have everyone back. It certainly makes our job easier.

The one question I have been asked continuously throughout the years is about Penneys so I’m delighted they are arriving soon, for not just The Square, the people of Tallaght, but for me!

Working with the team here at The Square is great and I can honestly say I come to work each week excited about what we are doing, what we will be photographing, what launch is happening or what event is being covered. Our socials have grown to huge numbers over the last few years, so it is a real fun and creative environment.

I have had so many fantastic opportunities here at The Square to meet some amazing people, from the Customers to The Squares partnership with Shamrock Rovers, along with the many different events held over the years have kept this job not just interesting but also a lot of fun, and I can only imagine what is to come with the arrival of not just Penneys, but so many other big brands.

The media team here at The Square is a strong workforce of women, and since I have been here it has always been the case. Working alongside The Square management has always been more of a working friendship, they have not just been supportive but also have encouraged and guided us all here within the media team to aim high. I think the numbers on all our channels show this.

When I’m home I am mam to Aoibheann and Rían, two covid babies. I think it worked out well time wise as for two years there was very little on so I had two children.

When I am not making bottles and changing nappies I am a big sports fan, particularly of Celtic Football Club, and for years have covered them in many publications and continue to do so, something I really enjoy. Although I don’t get to travel as much as I used to I still get to cover the games which is great!

10 years here, I certainly have no intentions of going anywhere and look forward to what the next chapter has in store here at The Square.

A final message to all you who have messaged the social media pages over the years asking “when is Penneys coming” I am thrilled to say in a few months my response will be “Thank you for your message, Penneys is now open on Level 1”!